LATIN TEXT: “...DE EPISTULIS APOSTOLORUM [1.08.01] Octauus codex canonicas epistulas continet Apostolorum. Sed in epistulis tredecim sancti Pauli annotationes conscriptas in ipso initio meae lectionis inueni, quae in cunctorum manibus ita celebres habebantur, ut eas a sancto Gelasio, papa urbis Romae, doctissimi uiri studio dicerent fuisse conscriptas: quod solent facere qui res uitiosas cupiunt gloriosi nominis auctoritate defendere. Sed nobis ex praecedentibus lectionibus diligenti retractatione patuerunt subtilissimas quidem esse ac breuissimas dictiones, sed Pelagiani erroris uenena illic esse seminata; et ut procul a uobis fieret error hereticus, primam epistulam ad Romanos qua potui curiositate purgaui, reliquas in chartacio codice conscriptas uobis emendandas reliqui. Quod facile subiacebit, quando praecedenti exemplo audacior redditur sequentis imitatio...” - (Book 1, Chapter 8, Section 1, CASSIODORUS INSTITUTIONES DIVINARUM ET HUMANARUM LITTERARUM,” By Senator Cassiodorus, Text edited by R.A.B. Mynors.)

CASSIODORUS (circa. 485-585 C.E.):...CONCERNING [THE] EPISTLES OF [THE] APOSTLES: The Octavius Codex contains the canonical letters of the Apostles. Which, [are] written [as] annotations in the thirteen epistles of St. Paul, I ascertained [this] from my initial reading, all of which [have] passed [into] and [we] hold in our hands, as these [are] attributted to{^} the celebrated{#} St. Gelasius, the Pope, of the city of Rome, a man, who is [said] to study zealously, [but], he is [also] said to have habitually written [and] composed that which is thought to be inclined to favour [certain] wicked doctrines, produced to defend his glorious reputation.{+} But [it is up] to us to scroupuosly reject [these], out of the preceeding readings, [for] he has certainly manifested [himself] to be [very] subtle indeed, even concise in [his] style of diction, but in that place, there exists [and] seminates the seductive poisons of the deluded error{*} of the Pelagians, and [this] should positively be put far away from you, in case [you] be made to err [because] of this heretic. FIRST, [IN] THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS, IN WHICH I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO [Ltn., ( purgaui )] PURGE [AND] CLEANSE{*} OF [THESE] CURIOSITIES ; [BUT] THOSE THINGS THAT REMAIN WRITTEN IN THE LEAVES OF THE CODEX, I HAVE LEFT IT - TO YOU [Ltn., ( emendandas )] TO REMOVE [AND] CORRECT.{*} WHICH IS AN EASY THING TO DO WHEN YOU HAVE [MY] PRECEEDING EXAMPLE TO MODEL YOURS ON, YOU SHOULD BE DARING [AND] AUDACIOUS{*} WHEN TRANSLATING - FOLLOWING [AND] IMITATING [ME]...” - (Book 1, Chapter 8, Section 1,CASSIODORUS THE INSTITUTES OF DIVINE AND HUMAN LITTERATURE,” Translated by Matt13weedhacker 6/01/12 revised 8/01/2012.)
[FOOTNOTE ^]: Ltn., ( a ) literally: “...from...”
[FOOTNOTE #]: Ltn., ( celebres )
[FOOTNOTE +]: Ltn., ( nominis ) literally: “”
[FOOTNOTE *]: Expanded meaning and definition.
[FOOTNOTE]: “Pope” Gelasius (circa. died 496 C.E.)

Another section from a previous post found just a little further on in the same chapter:

LATIN TEXT: "...Ad [1.08.03] Hebraeos uero epistulam quam sanctus Iohannes Constantinopolitanus episcopus triginta quattuor omelias Attico sermone tractauit, Mutianum uirum disertissimum transferre fecimus in latinum, ne epistularum ordo continuus indecoro termino subito rumperetur. [1.08.04] In epistulis autem canonicis Clemens Alexandrinus presbyter, qui et Stromatheus uocatur, id est, in epistula sancti Petri prima, sancti Iohannis prima et secunda, et Iacobi, quaedam Attico sermone declarauit; ubi multa quidem suptiliter, sed aliqua incaute locutus est. Quae nos ita transferri fecimus in latinum, ut exclusis quibusdam offendiculis purificata doctrina eius securior potuisset auriri..." - (CASSIODORUS INSTITUTIONES DIVINARUM ET HUMANARUM LITTERARUM LIBER I, [1.08.03-04.] Text edited by R.A.B. Mynors.)

CASSIODORUS (circa. 485-585 C.E.): "...But [1.08.03] the letter to the Hebrews, which St. John [Chrysotom], Bishop of Constantinople, handled in [thirty] four homilies in Attic discourse, we had a most eloquent man, Mucianus, translate into Latin, lest somehow we suddenly and disgracefully break up the continuous order of the epistles. [1.08.04] In the canonical letters, however, CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, A PRESBYTER, WHO IS ALSO CALLED "STROMATHEUS," that is, in the first epistle of St. Peter, the first and second of St. John, and James, in the Attic language, DECLARED A GOOD MANY THINGS WITH EXACTNESS, - ( BUT CARELESSLY SOME OTHER THINGS ). SO WHAT WE HAVE DONE IS TRANSLATED THEM INTO LATIN, SO THAT [Ltn., ( exclusis quibusdam offendiculis )] BY - ( EXCLUDING CERTAIN OFFENSIVE PASSAGES ) - HIS - ( DOCTRINE ) - MIGHT BE MORE SECURE AND [Ltn., ( purificata )] - ( PURIFIED TO OUR EARS )..." - ([1.08.03-04] LIBER I, INSTITUTIONES DIVINARUM ET HUMANARUM LITTERARUM. "The Divine Instiutes & Human Literature. Translated by Matt13weedhacker 12/10/11)
Ltn., ( auriri ) or ( auri -is ) [1.] "...the ear..." [2.][plural] "...the ear, critical judgment, taste..."

Key Latin words and definitions:

Ltn., ( purgaui ) “...cleanse, remove faults, make free of errors...”

Ltn., ( emendandas ) “...correct, amend, revise, free from faults...”

Ltn., ( exclusis ) “...exclude, cutt off, remove, take out, refuse to receive, thrust out...”

Ltn., ( quibusdam offendiculis ) “...certain offensive [things/passages]...”

Ltn., ( purificata ) “...purify...”

Ltn., ( auriri ) or ( auri -is ) [1.] “...the ear...” [2.][plural] “...the ear, critical judgment, taste...”

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