TEXT: “...Αλλὰ καὶ ἔκλαυσε κειται ἐν
τω κατὰ Λουκαν Ευάγγελίω ἐν τοις
ἀδιορθώτοις άντιγράφοις, καὶ κέχρηται
τη μαρτυρία ὁ ἅγιος Ειρηναιος εν τω
κατὰ Αιρέσειν, πρὸς τοὺς δοκήσει, τὸν
Χριστὸν πεφηνέναι λέγοντας. Ορθόδοξοι
δὲ ἀφέιλοντο τὸ ᾽ρητὸν, φοβηθέντες
καὶ μὴ νοήσαντες ἀυτου τὸ τέλος καὶ
τὸ ἰσχυρότατον...” - ([Note: 21.] Epiphan. in
Anachorato c. 31. As quoted in “Two Notable Corruptions of
Scripture” (Part 4: ff. 70-83) by Isaac NewtonSource: Ms. 361(4),
ff. 70-83, New College Library, Oxford.)
ISAAC NEWTON (circa. 1642-1727 C.E.): “...Another
corruption I meet with in Luke 19.41, & this also was made by the
Catholicks in the beginning of the Eusebian Controversy. For whilst
the Arians urged here the passage of Christs weeping over Ierusalem
as an argument of infirmity below the nature & dignity of the
supreme God, the Catholicks struck it out of their books, as
Epiphanius himself has openly confessed in these words. [21.]
“...Yea, saith he, Christ also wept as tis read in the - ( un-corrected
) - Exemplars of the Gospel of Luke, & the holy Irenæus in his book
against Heresies uses that testimony to confute those who said that
Christ appeared not really but only in shew. But the Catholicks
blotted out that passage being afraid of it & not knowing its end
& force...” Thus far Epiphanius, pleading for this passage by
the authority of Irenæus, & callling those books uncorrected in
which the Catholicks had not blotted it out. To the authority of
Irenæus, I may add that of Origen in his Commentary on this place,
Hom. 49...” - (“Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture” (Part
4: ff. 70-83) by Isaac NewtonSource: Ms. 361(4), ff. 70-83, New
College Library, Oxford.)
wept - The least verse in the Bible, yet inferior to none. Some of
the ruthless ancients, improperly styled fathers of the Church,
thought that weeping was a degradation of the character of Christ;
and therefore, according to the testimony of Epiphanius, Anchorat. c.
13, razed out of the Gospel of St. Luke the place (Luke 19:41) where
Christ is said to have wept over Jerusalem..."
JOHN WILLIAM BURGON: “...ANOTHER cause why, in very early times, the Text of the Gospels underwent serious depravation, was mistaken solicitude on the part of the ancient orthodox for the purity of the Catholic faith. These persons, like certain of the moderns, Beza for example, evidently did not think it at all wrong to tamper with the inspired Text. If any expression seemed to them to have a dangerous tendency, they altered it, or transplanted it, or removed it bodily from the sacred page. About the uncritical nature of what they did, they entertained no suspicion: about the immorality of the proceeding, they evidently did not trouble themselves at all. On the contrary, the piety of the motive seems to have been held to constitute a sufficient excuse for any amount of licence. The copies which had undergone this process of castigation were even styled ‘corrected,’—and doubtless were popularly looked upon as ‘the correct copies’ [like our ‘critical texts’]. An illustration of this is afforded by a circumstance mentioned by Epiphanius. [Page 212] He states (ii. 36) that the orthodox, out of jealousy for the Lord’s. Divinity, eliminated from St. Luke xix. 41 the record that our Saviour ‘wept.’ We will not pause to inquire what this statement may be worth. But when the same Father adds,—‘In the ( un-corrected ) copies (ἐν τοῖς ἀδιορθώτοις ἀντιγράφοις) is found “He wept,”’ Epiphanius is instructive. Perfectly well aware that the expression is genuine, he goes on to state that ‘Irenaeus quoted it in his work against Heresies, when he had to confute the error of the Docetae[497]...’ ‘Nevertheless,’ Epiphanius adds, "the orthodox through fear erased the record.’So then, the process of ‘correction’ was a critical process conducted on utterly erroneous principles by men who knew nothing whatever about Textual Criticism. Such recensions of the Text proved simply fatal to the Deposit. To ‘correct’ was in this and such like cases simply to ‘corrupt.’ Codexes BאD may be regarded as specimens of Codexes which have once and again passed through the hands of such a corrector or διορθωτής...” - (Pages 211-212; § 1. X. CORRUPTION BY THE ORTHODOX. CHAPTER XIV. CAUSES OF CORRUPTION CHIEFLY INTENTIONAL. “THE CAUSES OF THE CORRUPTION OF THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS” ii Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY iii “THE CAUSES OF THE CORRUPTION OF THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS” BEING THE SEQUEL TO “THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS” BY THE LATE JOHN WILLIAM BURGON, B.D. DEAN OF CHICHESTER ARRANGED, COMPLETED, AND EDITED BY EDWARD MILLER, M.A. WYKEHAMICAL PREBENDARY OF CHICHESTER LONDON GEORGE BELL AND SONS CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. 1896.)
[FOOTNOTE 497]: Πρὸς τοὶς δοκήσει τὸν Χριστὸν πεφηνέναι λέγοντας
JOHN WILLIAM BURGON: “...ANOTHER cause why, in very early times, the Text of the Gospels underwent serious depravation, was mistaken solicitude on the part of the ancient orthodox for the purity of the Catholic faith. These persons, like certain of the moderns, Beza for example, evidently did not think it at all wrong to tamper with the inspired Text. If any expression seemed to them to have a dangerous tendency, they altered it, or transplanted it, or removed it bodily from the sacred page. About the uncritical nature of what they did, they entertained no suspicion: about the immorality of the proceeding, they evidently did not trouble themselves at all. On the contrary, the piety of the motive seems to have been held to constitute a sufficient excuse for any amount of licence. The copies which had undergone this process of castigation were even styled ‘corrected,’—and doubtless were popularly looked upon as ‘the correct copies’ [like our ‘critical texts’]. An illustration of this is afforded by a circumstance mentioned by Epiphanius. [Page 212] He states (ii. 36) that the orthodox, out of jealousy for the Lord’s. Divinity, eliminated from St. Luke xix. 41 the record that our Saviour ‘wept.’ We will not pause to inquire what this statement may be worth. But when the same Father adds,—‘In the ( un-corrected ) copies (ἐν τοῖς ἀδιορθώτοις ἀντιγράφοις) is found “He wept,”’ Epiphanius is instructive. Perfectly well aware that the expression is genuine, he goes on to state that ‘Irenaeus quoted it in his work against Heresies, when he had to confute the error of the Docetae[497]...’ ‘Nevertheless,’ Epiphanius adds, "the orthodox through fear erased the record.’So then, the process of ‘correction’ was a critical process conducted on utterly erroneous principles by men who knew nothing whatever about Textual Criticism. Such recensions of the Text proved simply fatal to the Deposit. To ‘correct’ was in this and such like cases simply to ‘corrupt.’ Codexes BאD may be regarded as specimens of Codexes which have once and again passed through the hands of such a corrector or διορθωτής...” - (Pages 211-212; § 1. X. CORRUPTION BY THE ORTHODOX. CHAPTER XIV. CAUSES OF CORRUPTION CHIEFLY INTENTIONAL. “THE CAUSES OF THE CORRUPTION OF THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS” ii Oxford HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY iii “THE CAUSES OF THE CORRUPTION OF THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS” BEING THE SEQUEL TO “THE TRADITIONAL TEXT OF THE HOLY GOSPELS” BY THE LATE JOHN WILLIAM BURGON, B.D. DEAN OF CHICHESTER ARRANGED, COMPLETED, AND EDITED BY EDWARD MILLER, M.A. WYKEHAMICAL PREBENDARY OF CHICHESTER LONDON GEORGE BELL AND SONS CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. 1896.)
[FOOTNOTE 497]: Πρὸς τοὶς δοκήσει τὸν Χριστὸν πεφηνέναι λέγοντας