LATIN TEXT: “...uti sicut in supercoelestibus, et spiritalibus, et invisibilibus princeps est Verbum Dei ; sic et in visibilibus, et corporalibus principatum habeat, in semetipsum primatum assumens...” - (Page 72, THE THIRD BOOK OF AGAINST HERESIES BY ST. IRENAEUS, Bishop of Lyons With Short Notes, And A Glossary, by Henry Deane, B. D. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, M DCCC LXXIV.)

IRENAEUS OF LYONS (circa. 130-200 C.E.) : “...that, as the Word of God ( is ) PRINCE AMONG THE SUPER-CELESTIAL AND SPIRITUAL, AND INVISIBLE BEINGS, so He may have the pre-eminence ( also ) among the visible and corporeal...” - (Page 691, Irenaeus, [Book] III. [Chapter] 18, p. 241 APPENDIX, DEFENSIO FIDEI NICAENAE Vol 4. By Bishop George Bull)
[PERSONAL NOTE]: BOOK 3, Chap. 16, Verse 6. is the corresponding reference in ANF Roberts & Donalson.

LATIN TEXT: "...qui ex fructu ventris David Emmanuel, magni consilii Patirs nuntius..." - (Page 69, THE THIRD BOOK OF AGAINST HERESIES BY ST. IRENAEUS, Bishop of Lyons With Short Notes, And A Glossary, by Henry Deane, B. D. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, M DCCC LXXIV.)

IRENAEUS OF LYONS (circa. 130-200 C.E.) : “...Knowing one and the same Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was announced by the prophets, who from the fruit of David’s body was Emmanuel, ‘THE ANGEL OF GREAT COUNSEL OF THE FATHER’...“ - (Adv. Haer. 3.16.3; Roberts & Donaldson ANF.)

LATIN TEXT: " vocatur nomen eius Magni Consilii Angelus ... Et Magni Consilii dicit[ur] Angelus Patris..." - (Page 96/97; Chapter 56; DEMONSTRATIO APOSTOLICAE PRAEDICATIONIS LATINE REDDITA. Simon Weber 1917.)

IRENAEUS OF LYONS (circa. 130-200 C.E.) : “...And again Isaiah says: “And they shall wish that they had been burnt with fire; for a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is set upon His shoulders; and His name is called MESSENGER OF GREAT COUNSEL.” … But the words “whose government is set upon His shoulders” mean allegorically the Cross, on which He held His back when He was crucified.[84] … And he says “MESSENGER OF GREAT COUNSEL”: MESSENGER OF THE FATHER, whom he announced to us...” - (Demonstration Of Apostoloic Preaching Chapter 56. translated by J. A. Robinson 1920)

IRENAEUS OF LYONS (circa. 130-200 C.E.) : “...Now THE ANGEL WHO APPEARED TO BALAAM WAS THE WORD HIMSELF; and in His hand He held a sword, to indicate the power which he had from above..." - (XXIII. FRAGMENTS FROM THE LOST WRITINGS OF IRENAEUS Roberts & Donaldson ANF.)

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