(IRENAEUS): “...The FATHER bears the ( creation ) – and – ( His Word ) at the same time...” - (Page 107, Adv. Haer. V. 18. 2, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)
[NOTE]: The writer goes on to say: “...In V. 18. 1, the Father is described as ( containing ) the entire Pleroma...” The writer is reluctant to quote it, and doesn't.

(IRENAEUS): “...It is the Word ( of ) God that is the actual Creator of the ( world ). But He is our Lord Who in recent times was ( made ) man, Who in an invisible manner [Ltn., continet] contains all things ( created ), and is [Ltn., infixus] immanent ( in ) the whole ( creation ) and governs all things. Therefore He came visibly unto His own and was ( made ) flesh. For it is He Who has authority over all things ( FROM ) – HIS FATHER, since He is both the Word ( of ) God and ( very ) man, Who ( communicates – with ) invisible beings after [Ltn., rationaliter] a ( rational – manner )[#], but (for the visible creation) ordains a law which is apparent to the [Ltn., sensualiter] senses, namely, that all things should perservere in their order. He ( reigns ) manifestly ( over – the things ) that are visible and ( pertain to – the life of man )...” - (Page 107/108, Adv. Haer. V. 18. 3, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)
[PERSONAL NOTE #]: Compare Justin Martyrs “...a certain rational power...” Note also he ( as ) “the Word” does the “comunicat[ing]” with mankind etc. He is the Spokesman who delivers the messages.
[PERSONAL NOTE]: Note whenever Irenaeus says Jesus is a god or creator etc., it is always qualified with “...according to the will of the Father...” or as in this case “...things ( from ) his Father...” [EXAMPLE]: “...The Only-Begotten Word ( of ) God, Who has been always present with the human race, united and blended with His ( own – creation ) --- according to the FATHER'S good ( pleasure )...” - (Adv. Haer. Bk., III. 16. 6.)
[PERSONAL NOTE]: He is ( limited ) to things “pertaining to the life of man” and is only the creator of the “world” which is also ( qualified ) everywhere else, as he is the intermediate agency “...THROUGH WHOM...” and not the source of this creation as the Father is always and consistently made out to be by Irenaeus.

(IRENAEUS): “...For God is mighty ( in ) all things, being ( seen ) at that time ( prophetically – through ) the Spirit, being ( seen ) also ( adoptively – through ) the Son, and yet to be ( seen ) paternally ( in ) the Kingdom of Heaven. The Spirit truly prepares man [# Or “in”] for the Son of God ; the Son ( leads ) him ( to ) THE FATHER, and THE FATHER confers upon him incorruption with a view to eternal life, which comes to everyone from the ( vision ) of God...” - (Page 108/109, Adv. Haer. IV. 20. 5, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)
[FOOTNOTE #]: Ltn., “ Filium...” (Ar.) ; “ Filio...” (Cl. And Voss).

(IRENAEUS): “...God as the prophets declared ( in – figures ), shall be ( seen ) by men who ( bear – His ) Spirit and await His (v.l. Christ's) coming. Thus was God revealed. For GOD THE FATHER is manifested ( through – all these operations ), the Spirit working, the Son administering, and the FATHER approving, while man's salvation was being accomplished...” - (Page 109, Adv. Haer. IV. 20. 6, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)
[FOOTNOTE]: LATIN TEXT: “...Spiritu quidem operante, Filio vero administrante, Patre vero comprobante, homine vero consummato ad salutem...”

(IRENAEUS): “...The ( whole – plan ) of salvation, which concerns man, was ( made --- according to the will of ) THE FATHER so that GOD might not be conquered nor His ( work ) weakened...” - (Page 109, Adv. Haer. III. 23. 1, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)

(IRENAEUS): “...So that we might ( recover ) - ( in ) - Christ Jesus what we had ( lost ) - ( in ) Adam, namely, the being after the image and likeness of God...” - (Page 107, Adv. Haer. III. 18. 1, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)

(IRENAEUS): “...The presbyters, the disciples of the Apostles, held that man ( ascended – through -steps ) of this kind, namely ( through ) the Spirit ( to ) the Son and ( through ) the Son ( to ) the Father, and that in the course of time the Son ( will ) deliver ( up ) everything ( to ) THE FATHER, so that GOD will be 'all in all'...” - (Page 110, Adv. Haer. V. 36. 2, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)

(IRENAEUS): “...Wherefore, then, ( in ) all things and ( through ) all things there is ONE GOD, THE FATHER, and one Word, one Son and one Spirit, and one salvation to all that believe on Him...” - (Page 110, Adv. Haer. IV. 6. 7, Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)
[FOOTNOTE]: Massuet omits unus. It is not in Cl., Ar., or Voss MSS. “...Filius...” is omitted by Stireren. But unus is necessary to the sense and balance of the sentence.

(IRENAEUS): “...The relation of the Father to the Son is given in III. 6. 2. and IV. 38. 3, where the Father is represented as ( commanding ) and the Son as ( performing ). The same thought occurs in Basil [De Spiritu Sancto 38. “...the Lord [Gk., προστάσσοντα] ( ordering ) and the Word ( framing)...”], in Hippolytus, Contra Noetum, 14,...” - (Page 111, Adv. Haer. , Chapter VIII, “The Doctrine of the Trinity,” IRENAEUS OF LUGDUNUM – A STUDY OF HIS TEACHING By F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock 1914.)

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