The Hebrew Tosefta, ( Shabbat 13:5 ), written (circa. 3rd Century C.E.), quoting Rabbi Tarfon or Tarphon, Heb., ( רבי טרפון), from the Gk., ( Τρύφων ), a Kohen, a member of the third generation of the Mishnah sages, who lived in the period between the destruction of the Second Temple ( 70 C.E. ) and the fall of Bethar ( 135 C.E. ):

SHABBAT 13:5: “...The Gilyon[im] (i.e., gospel books) and the books of the minim (i.e., Jewish heretics) are not saved [on the Sabbath] from fire; but one lets them burn together with the names of God [ Tetragrammaton ] written upon them...” - (Page 99, Jacob Neusner Judaism and Christianity in the Age of Constantine 2008.)

SHABBAT 13:5: “...The books of the [ Gilyohnim ] Evangelists and the books of the Minim they do not save from a fire [on the Sabbath]. They are allowed to burn up where they are, they and [even] the references to the Divine Name [ Tetragrammaton ] that are in them...” - (Page 14, Neusner Persia and Rome in classical Judaism 2008.)

SHABBAT 13:5: “...We don't save the [ Gilyohnim ] Gospels or the books of Minim from the fire. They are burnt where they are, together with their tetragrammatons. Rabbi Yose Ha-Gelili says: "During the week one should take the tetragrammatons from them, hide them and burn the rest". Rabbi Tarfon said: 'May I bury my children! If I would have them in my hands, I would burn them with all their tetragrammatons...” - (“Who was a Jew?” By Lawrence. H. Schiffman, as quoted on Page 30-31, The Watchtower, November 1, 1993..)

SHABBAT 13:5: “...We do not save from a fire (on the Sabbath) the [ Gilyohnim ] Gospels and the books of the minim ("heretics"). Rather, they are burned in their place, they and their Tetragrammata. Rabbi Yose Ha-Gelili says: During the week, one should cut out their Tetragrammata and hide them away and burn the remainder. Said Rabbi Tarfon: May I bury my sons! If (these books) would come into my hand, I would burn them along with their Tetragrammata...” - (Alternate Translation “Who was a Jew?” By Lawrence. H. Schiffman, as quoted on Page 30-31, The Watchtower, November 1, 1993.)

SHABBAT 13:5: “...The [ Gilyohnim ] blank spaces and the Books of the Minim, we may not save them from a fire. R. Jose said: On weekdays one must cut out the [ Tetragrammaton ] Divine Names which they contain, hide them, and burn the rest. R. Tarfon said: May I bury my son if I would not burn them together with their [ Tetragrammaton ] Divine Names if they came to my hand...” - (Translated By Dr. H. Freedman as quoted on Page 30-31, The Watchtower, November 1, 1993.)

SHABBAT 13:5: “...The 'Gilyon[im]' and the [Biblical] books of the Judæo-Christians [ Minim ] are not saved [on the Sabbath] from fire; but one lets them burn together with the [ Tetragrammaton ] names of God written upon them." R. Jose the Galilean says: "On week-days the [ Tetragrammaton ] names of God are cut out and hidden while the rest is burned." R. Tarphon says: "I swear by the life of my children that if they fall into my hands I shall burn them together with the [ Tetragrammaton ] names of God upon them." R. Ishmael says: "If God has said, 'My name that has been written in holiness [i.e., in the "jealousy roll" mentioned in Num. v. 21 et seq.] shall be wiped out by water, in order to make peace between husband and wife,' then all the more should the books of the Judæo-Christians, that cause enmity, jealousy, and contention between Israel and its heavenly Father. [...] As they are not saved from fire, so they are not saved when they are in danger of decaying, or when they have fallen into water, or when any other mishap has befallen them...” - (Page 29, Zuckermandel, Edition, “GILYONIM = “Gospels,” lit., “scrolls,” JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA ONLINE.)
[FOOTNOTE]: Tosef., Shab. xiii. 5 []; comp. Shab. 116a; Yer. Shab. 15c, 52; Sifre, Num. 16.

An interesting example is ( POxy 656 ), a Papyrus Codex of Genesis assigned to (circa. 2nd or 3rd Cerntury C.E. ) in which Colin H. Roberts finds “...blank spaces...” where the Tetragrammaton Heb., ( יהוה ) Eng., “...JEHOVAH...” was expected, but was instead filled in - ( BY A LATER HAND ) - with an uncontracted Gk., ( ΚΎΡΙΟΣ or κύριος ) “...Lord...”

Could this be what the Jews where really speaking of when they - ( compared ) - the Gospels and the Heb., ( SIFREI HA-MINIM ) "...Books of the Minim..." - that is the rest of the Christian Greek Scriptures to? 

We don't know for sure, but it's an interesting thought.

It's probably more likely they were equating these Christian books with and being as valueless as Heb., ( GILYONIM ) “...Blank sheets of parchment...”

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