GK., ( DIA ) --- VS --- GK., ( HUPO )!

JOHN 1:3: “...All things [Gk., ( διὰ )] through His intermediate agency came into being, and without Him there came into being not even one thing which has come into existence...” - (Wuests New Testament: An Expanded Translation By Kenneth S. Wuest, Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co. 1961.)

JOHN 1:10: “...In the universe He was, and the universe [Gk., ( διὰ )] through His intermediate agency came into existence, and the world of sinners did not have an experiential knowledge of Him...” - (Wuests New Testament: An Expanded Translation By Kenneth S. Wuest, Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co. 1961.)

1ST CORRINTIANS 8:6: “...Yet to us there is one God, the Father, [Gk., ( ἐξ οὗ )] out from whom as a source are all things and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, [Gk., ( δι’ οὗ )] through whose intermediate agency all things exist and we through Him...” - (Wuests New Testament: An Expanded Translation By Kenneth S. Wuest, Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co. 1961.)

COLOSSIANS 1:16: “...All things [Gk., ( διὰ )] through Him as intermediate agent and with a view to Him stand created...” - (Wuests New Testament: An Expanded Translation By Kenneth S. Wuest, Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co. 1961.)

HEBREWS 1:2: “...Whom He appointed heir of all things, [Gk., ( διὰ )] through whom also He constituted the ages...” - (Wuests New Testament: An Expanded Translation By Kenneth S. Wuest, Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Co. 1961.)

ORIGEN OF ALEXANDRIA (circa 185-253 C.E.): “...Thus also here, if all things were made [Gk., ( διὰ )] ( THROUGH ) the Word, they were not made [Gk., ( ύπὸ )] ( BY ) the Word, but [Gk., ( ύπὸ )] ( BY ) one more powerful and greater than the Word...” - ([Book , Chapter , “COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL OF JOHN,”] Origenis Opera, Ed. De La Rue, Vol. IV. p. 6, Quoted on Page 85, Chapter 7, “Gk., ( διὰ ) AND Gk., ( ύπὸ ),” A VINDICATION OF UNITRARIANISM, In Reply To The Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D. D. By James Yates, Fourth Edition, London: Edward T. Whitfield, 2 Essex Street, Strand, 1850.)

EUSEBIUS OF CAESAREA (circa. 260-340 C.E. ): “...And when he says, in one place,[John 1:10] that the world, and in another,[John 1:3] that all things, were made [Gk., ( διὰ )]( THROUGH HIM ), he declares the ministration of the Word ( to ) God. For, when the Evangelist might have said, “All things were made [Gk., ( ύπὸ )] ( BY HIM ),” and again, “The world was made [Gk., ( ύπὸ )] ( BY HIM ),” he has not said, [Gk., ( ύπὸ )] “( BY HIM ),” but, [Gk., ( διὰ )] “( THROUGH HIM ),” in order that he might raise our conceptions to the underived power of the Father as the original ( cause ) of all things...” - (Book 1, Chapter 20, DE ECCLES. THEOL. Quoted on Page 85, Chapter 7, “Gk., ( διὰ ) AND Gk., ( ύπὸ ),” A VINDICATION OF UNITRARIANISM, In Reply To The Rev. Ralph Wardlaw, D. D. By James Yates, Fourth Edition, London: Edward T. Whitfield, 2 Essex Street, Strand, 1850.)

CORNELIUS LAPIDE (circa. 1567-1637 C.E.): “...You will ask, - ( WHY THEN ) - does S. John use the preposition Gk., ( διὰ ) Ltn., ( per ), or “...through...” instead of Gk., ( ύπὸ ) “...by...” when he says that all things were made Gk., ( διὰ ) through Him?...” - (Notes on John 1:3, “SCRIPTURE COMMENTARY,” 1616.)


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