ACTS 1:7 Revisited

Classification: Papyrus
Date: 5th–6th Century
Location: Vienna, Austrian National Library
Shelf Number: Pap. G. 19918
Content: Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos)
MS Feature: Fragmentary
Image Description: Text
Language: Greek
Image Type: Digital
Ink: Black
Material: Papyrus
Description: Fifth or sixth century manuscript of Acts on papyrus; 3 fragments, single column, approximately 28–29 lines per column.

Classification: Papyrus
Date: 7th Century
Location: Cologny/Genf, Bodmeriana
Shelf Number: Bodmer XVII
Content: Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos)
MS Feature: Fragmentary
Image Description: Text
Language: Greek
Image Type: Digital Facsimile
Material: Papyrus
Description: Seventh century manuscript of the Apostolos on papyrus; 124 fragments, single column, approximately 30–35 lines per column.

Classification: Majuscule
Date: 4th Century
Location: London, British Library
Shelf Number: Add. 43725
Content: Gospels; Pauline; Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos); Apocalypse/Revelation
Language: Greek
Image Type: Digital Facsimile
Material: Parchment
Description: Codex Sinaiticus is a fourth century manuscript of the Greek Old Testament, the New Testament, the Epistle of Barnabas, and the Shepherd of Hermas on parchment; The facsimile images are from the J. T. and Zelma Luther Archives, A. Webb Roberts Library, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. For more recent digital images, please visit the Codex Sinaiticus Project

Classification: Majuscule
Date: 5th Century
Location: London, British Library
Shelf Number: Royal 1 D.VIII
Content: Gospels; Pauline; Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos); Apocalypse/Revelation
Language: Greek
Material: Parchment
Description: Codex Alexandrinus is a fifth century manuscript of the Greek Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Clementine Epistles on parchment. Images are from the 1879 and 1909 full-sized black and white facsimiles produced by the British Museum. For more recent images, please visit the British Museum

Classification: Majuscule
Date: 4th Century
Location: Vatican Library
Shelf Number: Vat. gr. 1209, p. 1235-1518 (p. 1519-1536: 1957)
Content: Gospels; Pauline; Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos)
Language: Greek
Image Type: Digital Facsimile
Ink: Black; Red
Material: Parchment
Description: Codex Vaticanus is an important fourth century majuscule manuscript. It contains Matthew–2 Thessalonians, Hebrews 1.1–9.13, James–Jude. It lacks the Pastorals, Philemon, and Revelation. After Hebrews 9.13, the document is written in much later minuscule hand. 142 leaves on parchment, three columns, with 42 lines per column. The images are from the 1868 (pseudo-) facsimile. For more recent images visit the Vatican's website.

Classification: Majuscule
Date: 5th Century
Location: Cambridge, University Library
Shelf Number: Nn. 2.41
Content: Gospels; Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos)
Language: Greek; Latin
Image Type: Digital
Material: Parchment
Description: Codex Bezae is a fifth century majuscule of the Gospels and Apostolos on parchment; Greek-Latin diglot; 415 leaves, single column, 33 lines per column. For more information about these images, please visit the University of Cambridge.

Classification: Majuscule
Date: 6th Century
Location: Oxford, Bodelian Library
Shelf Number: Laud. Gr. 35
Description: Codex Laudianus is a sixth century manuscript of the Apostolos on parchment; Greek-Latin diglot; 227 leaves, 2 columns, 24+ lines per column. For more recent images, please visit the Bodleian Library


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