TEXT: “...De orationis autem sacramento necessitate nos
commentandi Cyprianus vir sanctae memoriae liberavit. Quamquam et
Tertullianus hinc volumen aptissimum scripserit : [
Variant Text: Sequenti
errore ] sed
consequens error hominis, detraxit scriptis probabilibus [
Varient Text: auctoritatem
auetoritatem...” - (Chapter 5, Book 1, “In Matthaeum,” or:
“Commentary On [Or: “In”] Matthew,” [Section 913 Migne
OF POITIERS (circa. 300-368 C.E.): “...Concerning a discourse
on the sacred oath of [Christian] alegiance [Or:
“the sacrement”], however, we have Cyprian, a hero of
sacred rememberance who has absolved us from this obligation. Even
though Tertullian also on this very point composed a volume [Textual
variant: “who [Or: “that”] strayed into error”] worthy
of aquiring, yet, by the subsequent error of this man, he has
detracted [Or: “diminished” or: “taken away from”] from his
writings which are worthy of approval [Textual
variant: “have been decreed as allowed by official
authorization”]...” - (Chapter 5, Book 1, “In
Matthaeum,” or: “Commentary On [Or: “In”] Matthew,”
[Section 913 Migne Latina] Translated by Matt13weedhacker 7/04/2014.)
OF POITIERS (circa. 300-368 C.E.): “...Concerning the
sacrement{3} of prayer, Cyprian, the man of blessed memory,
has freed us the necessity of making comment.{4} And although
Tertullian wrote a most competent volume on this matter,{5}
the subsequent error of the man has detracted from the authoity of
his commendable writings.{6}...” - (Chapter 5, “St.
Hilary of Poitiers – Commentary On Matthew,” Page 74, Translated
by D. H. Williams, The Catholic University of America Press, USA,
3]: Sacremento.
4]: The Cyprian mentioned here was bishop of Carthage from ca.
248 to 258, martyred under the reign of Decius.Among his surviving
writings is De Dominica Oratione, a breif and apparently well known
set of observations on the Lord's Prayer.
5]: Tertullian, De Oratione. Tertullain, a layman who also lived
in Carthage, focuses on the Lord's Prayer in Chapters 2-8 of this
6]: The negative reference is to Tertullian's embrace of the New
Prophecy later in his life. By Hilary's day, the New Prophecy, or
Montantism, had become completely discredited as a heretical
movement. See Jerome, De Viris Illust. 26, 40, 41, 53; Augustine, De
Haer. 26-27. Vincent of Lerins
cites this passage of Hilary's in Comm. 18.46, slightly altering it
to read: “...by is subsequent error he undermined the authority of
his commendable writings...” (PL 50:664). Hilary's attitude
toward the value of Tertullian's contributions is probably typical.
The latter's theological and biblical work utilized extensively, but
despite its importance, the writer is never regarded in nomine as an
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