The Libellus Synodicus also called the Synodicon


LATIN TEXT: “...Synodus divina & sancta particularis, congregata a sanctissimo Achillarum episcopo Sota, aliisque duodecim episcopis : quae refutatum Theodotum Coriarium abdicavit : Montantum item cum Maximilla, qui octingentos septuaginta octo aeonas docebat, seque ipsum pro Spiritu sancto venditabat...” - (Page 381, ACHILLANA, SOTAE.)

LIBELLUS SYNODICUS OR SYNODICON (circa. 8-9th Century C.E.): “...A divine and partiularly sacred assembly, being assembled by Sotas, a very holy overseer from Anchiallus, [along with] twelve other overseers. Who refuted [and] extirpated Theodotus{*} the tanner, who was teaching{*} [his] eight hundred and seventy eight AEons, in addition [to him] Montanus together with Maximilla, following after, ( Alas! ), repeatedly tried to sell himself off as [being] the holy spirit...” - ( ACHILLANA, SOTAE translated by Matt13weedhacker 14/08/12.)
[FOOTNOTE *]: The writer of the Synodicon is generally believed to be mistaken to which Theodotus is being reffered to. It is most likely the Montanist Theodotus described in Eusebius Eccl. Hist. Book 5, Chapter 16.
[FOOTNOTE *]: Ltn., ( docebat ) that is - in a cunning and public manner, as if on a drama stage according to the alternate Lexicon definitions.

LIBELLUS SYNODICUS OR SYNODICON (circa. 8-9th Century C.E.): “...A holy and particular Gk., ( merike ) synod, assembled under the very holy Bishop Sotas of Anchialus (in Thrace, on the Black Sea), and consisting of twelve other bishops, convicted of heresy the currier Theodotus,{*} Montanus, and Maximilla, and condemned them...”
[PERSONAL FOOTNOTE *]: The writer of the Synodicon is generally believed to be mistaken to which Theodotus is being reffered to. It is most likely the Montanist Theodotus described in Eusebius Eccl. Hist. Book 5, Chapter 16.

LATIN TEXT: “...Synodus divina & sancta provincialis, Hierapoli Asiae celebrata ab Apollinario sanctissimo hujus episcopo, aliisque viginti sex episcopis : quae abdicavit & extirpavit Montanum & Maximillam pseudoprophetas : qui blaspheme, utpote a daemone obsessi, sicut idem Pater dicit, vitam commutarunt. Cum iisdem vero & Theodotum Coriarium ( eadem Synodus ) condemnavit...” - (Page 381, HIERAPOLITANA, APOLLINARII.)

LIBELLUS SYNODICUS OR SYNODICON (circa. 8-9th Century C.E.): “...A provincial [yet] sacred and divine assembly, [was held] at Hierapolis of [the disrict of] Asia, [convened] by an overseer from this place, Apollinarius, [along with] twenty six other overseers : who renounced and extirpated the false prophets Montanus and Maximilla, seeing he was demon possessed, as for example, he asserted that he was identical with the Father, a substitute being. In truth they condemned along with him also, ( at that same assembly ), Theodotus{*} the tanner...” - (Page 381, “HIERAPOLITANA, APOLLINARII,” Translated by Matt13weedhacker 14/08/12.)
[FOOTNOTE *]: The writer of the Synodicon is generally believed to be mistaken to which Theodotus is being reffered to. It is most likely the Montanist Theodotus described in Eusebius Eccl. Hist. Book 5, Chapter 16.

Tertullian confirms that there were many Councils or Synods held around the time of the Montantist controversy:

LATIN TEXT: “...si non ab omni concilio ecclesiarum, etiam uestrarum, inter apocrypha et falsa iudicaretur, adultera et ipsa et inde patrona sociorum...” - (Chapter X, 11(C)-13(A), Tertulliani Liber De Pudicitia Text edited by Charles Munier, Sources Chrétiennes 394, 1993.)

POST-MONTANTIST TERTULLIAN (circa. 185-225 C.E. ): “...But I would yield my ground to you, if the scripture of 'the Shepherd,'[118] which is the only one which favours adulterers, had deserved to find a place in the Divine canon; if it had not been habitually judged by every council of Churches ( even of your own ) among apocryphal and false (writings); itself adulterous, and hence a patroness of its comrades...” - (Chapter 10:12, “On Modesty,” or “De Pudicitia,” Translated by the Rev. S. Thelwall, 1870.)
[FOOTNOTE 118]: i.e., the "Shepherd" of Hermas. See de Or., c. xvi.

It is thought by some that the Muratorian Canon was perhaps a result of one of these Councils, and perhaps was drafted in reaction to the Psuedo-Revelations and writings being spread by the New Prophecy cult of Montanus:

Picture of Page One of the Original Latin MSS Online:

Picture of Page Two of the Original Latin MSS Online :

Picture of Page Three of the Original Latin MSS Online :

ORIGINAL LATIN TEXT: “...[43.] apocalapse etiam iohanis et petri tantum recipimus quam quidam ex nostris legi in eclesia nolunt [44.] pastorem uero nuperrim ettemporibus nostris in urbe roma herma conscripsit sedente cathetra urbis romae aeclesiae pio eps fratrer eius [45.] et ideo legi eum quide oportet se puplicare uero in eclesia populo [46.] neque inter profetas conpletum numero [47.] neque inter apostolos in fine temporum potest. [48.] arsinoi autem seu ualentini. uel mitiadis nihil in totum recipemus. [49.] qui etiam nouu psalmorum librum marcioni conscripserunt una cum basilide assianom catafry cum constitutorem...” - (Pages 106-113, “Theron in Evidence of Tradition,”.)

RESTORED OR CONJECTORED LATIN TEXT: “...[43.] apocalypses etiam Iohannis, et Petri, tantum recipimus, quam quidam ex nostris legi in ecclesia nolunt. [44.] Pastorem uero nuperrime temporibus nostris in Urbe Roma Hermas conscripsit, sedente cathedra Urbis Romae ecclesiae Pio Episcopo fratre eius; [45.] et ideo legi eum quidem oportet, se publicare uero in ecclesia populo, [46.] neque inter Prophetas, completum numero, [47.] neque inter apostolos, in finem temporum potest. [48.] Arsinoi autem, seu Ualentini, uel Mitiadis nihil in totum recipimus. [49.] qui etiam nouum Psalmorum librum Marcioni concripserunt una cum Basilide Assianum Catafrygum constitutorem...” - (Pages 106-113, “Theron in Evidence of Tradition,”.)

RESTORED OR CONJECTORED LATIN TEXT: “...[73.] tris legi in eclesia nolunt pastorem vero [74.] nuperrim e temporibus nostris in urbe [75.] roma herma conscripsit sedente cathe [76.] tra urbis romae aecclesiae pio eps fratre [77.] eius et ideo legi eum quide oportet se pu [78.] blicare vero in eclesia populo neque inter [79.] profetas completum numero neque inter [80.] apostolos in fine temporum potest [81.] arsinoi autem seu valentini vel mitiadis [?] [82.] nihil in totum recipemus qui etiam novu [83.] psalmorum librum marcioni conscripse [84.] runt una cum basilide assianom catafry [85.] cum constitutorem...” - (Pages 82-88. Henry M. Gwatkin, ed., Selections from Early Writers Illustrative of Church History to the Time of Constantine London: MacMillan and co., 1937.)

MURATORIAN FRAGMENT OR CANON (circa. 180 C.E.):...[73.] But Hermas wrote the Shepherd [74.] very recently, {7c} in our times, in the city of Rome, [75.] while bishop Pius, his brother, was occupying the [episcopal] chair [76.] of the church of the city of Rome. {7d} [77.] And therefore it ought indeed to be read; but [78.] it cannot be read publicly to the people in church either among [79.] the Prophets, whose number is complete, {8} or among [80.] the Apostles, for it is after [their] time. [81.] But we accept nothing whatever of Arsinous or Valentinus or Miltiades, [82.] who also composed [83.] a new book of psalms for Marcion, [84-5.] together with Basilides, the Asian founder of the Cataphrygians {8a}...” - (Metzger's English translation, amended text, edited by Hans Lietzmann, Das Muratorische Fragment und die Monarchianischen Prologue zu den Evangelien, Kleine Texte, i; Bonn, 1902; 2nd ed., Berlin, 1933. Appendix IV of the same book pp. 305-7. The Canon of the New Testament Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.)
[FOOTNOTE 7c]: The Shepherd of Hermas is another work widely read in early times. It is a kind of moral allegory, like Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, but more impressive in that it purports to convey a series of divine revelations. —M.D.M.
[FOOTNOTE 7d]: This would be Pius I, bishop of Rome from about 142 to 157. —M.D.M.
[FOOTNOTE 8]: Perhaps the Fragmentist means that there are three major Prophets and twelve minor Prophets.
[FOOTNOTE 8a]: The few words that follow this are unintelligible, and so the fragment practically ends here. —M.D.M.

MURATORIAN FRAGMENT OR CANON (circa. 180 C.E.): “...The Pastor, moreover, did Hermas write very recently in our times in the city of Rome, while his brother bishop Plus sat in the chair of the Church of Rome. And therefore it also ought to be read; but it cannot be made public{38} in the Church to the people, nor placed among the prophets, as their number is complete, nor among the apostles to the end of time. Of the writings of Arsinous, called also Valentinus, or of Miltiades, we receive nothing at all. Those are rejected too who wrote the new Book of Psalms for Marcion, together with Basilides and the founder of the Asian Cataphrygians.{39}...” - (Roberts-Donaldson Translation: Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 5, III. - Canon Muratorianus.{22} In Muratori, V. C. Antiq. Ital. Med. oev., vol. iii. col. 854.)
[FOOTNOTE 38]: Reading "sed publicari" for "se publicare." [ Vol. ii. p. 3.]
[FOOTNOTE 39]: [For remarks of my own on the Muratorian Canon, see vol. ii. p. 56, this series.]

MURATORIAN FRAGMENT OR CANON (circa. 180 C.E.): “...[44.] But Hermas composed The Shepherd quite recently in our times in the city of Rome, while his brother, Pius, the bishop, occupied the [episcopal] seat of the city of Rome. [45.] And therefore, it should indeed be read, but it cannot be published for the people in the Church, [46.] neither among the Prophets, since their number is complete, [47.] nor among the Apostles for it is after their time (?). [48.] But we accept nothing at all of Arsinoes, or Valentinus, or Metiades (?). [49.] Those also [are rejected] who composed a new book of Psalms for Marcion together with Basilides and the Cataphrygians of Asia (?)...” - (Pages 106-113, “Theron in Evidence of Tradition,”.)

MURATORIAN FRAGMENT OR CANON (circa. 180 C.E.): “...But Hermas wrote the Shepherd quite lately in our time in the city of Rome, when on the throne of the church of the city of Rome the bishop Pius, his brother, was seated. And therefore it ought indeed to be read, but it cannot be read publicly in the Church to the other people either among the prophets, whose number is settled, or among the apostles to the end of time. But we accept nothing whatever from Arsinous or Valentinus and Miltiades(?), who have also composed a new psalm book for Marcion, together with Basilides of Asia Minor, the founder of the Cataphrygians...” - (Translated by Glenn Davis.)

MURATORIAN FRAGMENT OR CANON (circa. 180 C.E.): “...But Hermas wrote "the Shepherd" in the city of Rome most recently in our times, when his brother bishop Pious was occupying the chair in the church at Rome. And so indeed it ought to be read but that it be made public to the people in the church and placed among the prophets whose number is complete or among the apostles is not possible to the end of time. Of Arsenus, Valentinus, or Miltiadees we receive nothing at all. Those also who wrote the "new book of Psalms," Marcion together with Basilides, and the Asian Cataphrigians...” - (Translated by Kenneth Johnson.)


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